Wall of Death

We were approached by the Motorcyclepedia Museum in Newburgh, New York, and asked to create a mini-documentary based on the Legend “Kamikaze Pit,” as he’s known in his home country of Germany.

Pit and Esther had brought their smaller Wall of Death, to be joined with their larger one already in place at the Museum. Both will now be on permanent display for years to come. It was the very first time Pit and Esther had seen their two walls completely built side-to-side, and it was great capturing those moments.


Big Girls Small Kitchen

When it came time to create a series of videos to show their readers some tried and true kitchen techniques, the girls in the small kitchen and I collaborated on video ideas that helped their audience better prepare for the recipes on their book.


High Achievement New York

The Newburgh North campus has gone all in when it comes to common core teaching techniques and High Achievement New York wanted to showcase schools from around New York State that are making great strides in preparing young kids for higher education.



